SUPPOSEDLY, the Intelligent designer creates as a hobby; his only hobby; his only reason for existing.
We create from our imagination, onto paper, and then into physical form. Perfect mind creates with pure imagination. What we call "reality" is actually taking place within the mind of the Intelligent Designer.
SUPPOSEDLY, these lives are like amusement park rides that are overall preset. We can make minor changes, but we pre-choose these lives as a form of entertainment.
You see, there is no challenge to being rewarded. It eventually becomes too easy. When eternal beings reach that point it is time for a temporary change in order to renew the appreciation of endless parties and having fun.
That's what lives like these are supposedly all about.
SUPPOSEDLY, deep down inside we all know this to be true. However, to fully remember is to ruin the very reason we chose to come here in the first place.
That being the case, most will automatically reject this information with a vengeance. They don't want to remember. They would rather believe a colorful lie than an uncomfortable truth!!
I have chosen to remember while living this life in order to manipulate the 'dream' from within. I am constrained NOT to do this for others. Each person must do this for themselves. It is not my right to interfere with the problems people make for themselves.
So, I am allowed to manipulate MY dream while leaving THEIR dreams as unaffected as I possibly can.
SUPPOSEDLY, religions are man's attempt to turn the intelligent designer of the universe into a commercially sellable product.
There is much truth in all great books considered holy. There is also much corruption implanted to control the minds of the masses. Put the best of all books held as holy together and you get a better idea of what is actually true.
My revelations come through deep trance states. The Intelligent Designer only communicates to those he chooses to communicate with. He is not looking for followers to pay him 10% of their income.
All these "revelations" are suspect. That is why I continually say "SUPPOSEDLY". How much of them are true remains to be seen. I am always ready to find I am wrong about ANYTHING I currently believe.
SUPPOSEDLY, the Intelligent Designer is getting bored with the human race and is about to 'stir things up'. I've been doing my best to keep him entertained and laughing. However, the Intelligent Designer's sense of humor leans towards slapstick with me as the butt of the jokes. Keeping him laughing is often not as much fun as it sounds. I tend to end up hurting and am still hurting.
So, these supposed revelations DO NOT COME CHEAP. I wouldn't wish the sufferings I have been forced to endure on my worst enemies. If you do not pay for these revelations chances are they will be meaningless to you. Suffering for doing good is the currency of the Spirit. You cannot buy such revelations with human money. Human currency is worthless to the Spirit.
THERE ARE NO FREE RIDES to properly utilize revelations directly from the Source. If you do not earn them they will probably be just a bunch of words to you with no REAL POWER to affect anything.
Humans may make their greedy plans, but the Intelligent Designer holds all the cards. Supposedly, he's about to tear this world apart. I've been DESPERATELY trying to stall the inevitable. You have been given signs in the world of just how close you are to having everything hit the proverbial fan.
Nothing can stop what is coming. At best, I can hope to postpone the inevitable...if I can keep the Intelligent Designer laughing and properly entertained. If he ever gets bored with me past a certain point the inevitable will come crashing down on you people like a giant tidal wave tsunami on a stretch of beach surging into and destroying a great city.
I suggest you wish me luck. If I completely fail you will most certainly know about it because the results will be in all the newspapers. Natural disasters the likes of which you would NEVER expect to see outside of a blockbuster disaster movie. 2012 movie type of stuff.
YOUR CORE PROBLEM is you BLIND FAITH believe there is no Intelligent Designer and there are no direct communications with the Source of Everything. You fools think that if you blind faith believe something hard enough that makes it not exist, idiots that you are.
Just because YOU don't believe there is an Intelligent Designer of the Universe doesn't automatically mean there is no such being. All it means is YOU DON'T BELIEVE there is such a being and that's not saying much of anything because most of you reading this are brainwashed, moronic stupid idiots!!
SO I SUGGEST you enjoy your lives while you can. Supposedly, when I die all hell is going to break loose. I must admit...I Am curious.