Monday, March 28, 2016


*From the movie screenplay:


I AM a walk-in spirit sent from the Viracocha Universe, along with 11 others, 
to determine whether or not Earth and the human race merit survival

We are nicknamed the Magnificent Majestic 12.
Other Viracocha have done similar evaluations for eons

When a planet threatens the peace of the rest of a galaxy
we are called in to evaluate the situation.

The Viracocha Universe is in the Fifth Dimension

 We are energy beings who are absolute expert shapeshifters
and can take on physical LOOKING forms

One of the ways to know a true Viracocha is in the way he or she uses swords.
Viracocha are sword masters

For some reason we gravitate towards swords for summoning energy

The reason why UFOs are obviously waiting is because
we Viracocha have not finished our evaluation of this planet

Supposedly, one of us is heavily drugged in a mental institution
and we have to wait until she becomes strong enough to break free.
She doesn't want any special help and we have to honor her decision,
although many of us are getting very impatient as we have reached our verdicts

The Magnificent Majestic 12

...are scattered throughout many different cultures so that we can evaluate the Earth
and humanity from many different points of view.
We have not met each other, in this life, but we sense who we are and why we are here.

The American government was deliberately manipulated
into calling their first major UFO committee the majestic twelve
so that when we would hear that name it would begin to jog our memories
of who we really are and why we are here.

There is a Native American saying that you should not judge a man
until you walk a mile in his shoes.
That is the core reason these human bodies were chosen before they were born
to be vessels through which we can view humanity from THEIR point of view.

Reality in the Fifth Dimension is much too different
for us to properly judge the human race.
It is only fair that we see life from a human perspective
before passing judgment for or against humanity.

 The Viracocha universe was the first thing 
the Intelligent Designer created this time around

It has happened COUNTLESS times before.
What is known as the Big Bang was the Intelligent Designer
ONCE AGAIN going insane and trying to kill Himself out of boredom.

There are now signs of what is termed


In which the Intelligent Designer goes completely insane from boredom
and blows up his entire created universe.

The signs of The Second Big Bang are when
wars and mayhem start breaking out all throughout the Universe.
We Viracocha are having a very difficult time keeping up.

The Viracocha Universe was created as a safety measure.
We were created as the last line of defense
before the Intelligent Designer goes completely insane
and blows up his entire Creation and returns
to a type of meditative comatose state that can last eternities upon eternities.

Eventually, the Intelligent Designer gets bored with meditating
and pretending He is dead and the tension builds once again.

When this happens the situation is ripe for yet another

((( BIG BANG)))

That starts the universe up again

The closest thing I have found to illustrate how the universe was created
is the concept of Vishnu creating galaxies and worlds from his dreams.





Tuesday, March 22, 2016


I had become really angry over these radical Islamic suicide bombers
and needed some answers from the Intelligent Designer. I got them:

"It's pointless to become frustrated over things you have no control over. Focus on YOUR LIFE and leave the world to itself"

"When you can finally swim for two save the drowning. Until then you must let the others drown and save yourself"

"All your anger and frustration will NOT change the rest of the world. Improve YOUR PERSONAL WORLD; mind your own business."

"There is only one solution to all your problems: continue becoming stronger in all good and wonderful ways!"

- I AM Intelligent Designer  IAID


"The key is to properly strengthen YOUR MIND in harmony with the Sentient Universe"

"The hopelessly brainwashed CANNOT keep a healthy open mind. They simply cannot!!"

"You are surrounded by the hopelessly brainwashed. Get along. Don't try to help them"

"You cannot help the hopelessly brainwashed. The best you can do is PAMPER them"

"I CHOOSE who I will reveal myself to. The rest will never be convinced no matter what you may say"

"The hopelessly brainwashed are INCAPABLE of keeping a healthy open mind no matter what you may say"

"You can argue with the hopelessly brainwashed until you are dead. Nothing will convince them otherwise"

"For all your arguing with skeptics who have you convince to keep a healthy open mind?

 "Do not deny your anger. USE IT as motivation to better yourself"

"All those who believe the universe was not intelligently designer are DEAD WRONG!! No need to argue. THEY ARE WRONG"

"Continually arguing with fools makes YOU the bigger fool"

"THE UNIVERSE IS INTELLIGENTLY DESIGNED. No need to argue about this fact. USE IT!!"

"There is no point trying to convince the hopelessly brainwashed of ANYTHING outside of their programming"

"Trying to change the minds of the hopelessly brainwashed is a waste of effort. They will NEVER believe"

"If you want revenge on all skeptics CONTINUE TO BECOME STRONGER!!"

"You success is not dependent upon convincing others of ANYTHING"

"It is to YOUR advantage that THEY do not believe these communications actually come from me"

"Start by envisioning that which you can realistically 'see', in your mind's eye, manifesting into your life"

"Start by working towards manifesting the things you can realistically 'see' becoming a permanent part of your daily life"

"The doubt of others is THEIR problem. Don't allow it to become yours"

"You were always destined to become a master of manifesting with the Power of Intention"

"Refine the envisioning of who you Intend to become. Consistently clarify and solidify the vision"

"Passionately refine and solidify your envisioning of who you Intend to become. Prove you REALLY want it. I will do the rest"

"I can easily give you miraculous manifestations in your life because you exist in MY DREAM"

"The energy you spend arguing with fools is PRICELESS!!! Consider that fact."

"You are noticing how I am becoming more truly 'real' in your life. What "they" think is of little to no consequence"

"Still trying to convince stupid idiots of things they refuse to believe, eh? ABOUT TIME YOU GREW UP and faced reality"

"Expecting idiots to be able to appreciate great wisdom is being unrealistic"

"A fool tends to believe whatever he has been BRAINWASHED to blindly believe"

"You must accept the fact that when you interact with most you are interacting with dumb animals."

"Unfortunately, nothing is beautiful unless you have ugliness to compare it to. Ugliness is required for beauty to exist"

"YOU exist within a realm of dualities. I create from a perspective beyond dualities"

"Whether or not there is an Intelligent Designer of the Universe is NOT for man to decide!"

"I deliberately create an air of uncertainty surrounding my existence for the fun of it"

"Playing with my creations is what I am all about. I can be very childlike in nature"

Monday, March 21, 2016


THE UNWISE will put all their proverbial eggs in the 'basket' of there not being such a thing as a soul or an afterlife. The wise will leave the matter casually open and strive to live in ways worthy of eternal rewards...just in case.

AN INTERESTING THING happened this morning as I was waiting for my breakfast at Denny's. In the next booth were a couple of women who had a baby in a highchair. I looked up to notice the baby was looking at me intently. I could sense this was one of the rare babies who can 'see' qualities of energy and was amazed by the quality of my energy compared to all others in the restaurant.

On the rare occasions where I encounter such babies I find I can communicate with them telepathically. Of course, I take into account it may all be just my imagination, but...I casually leave the matter open; as I usually do in such situations. The wise believe in infinite possibilities. In such a universe ANYTHING is possible.

So, I had a rudimentary communication with this baby. I asked if she remembered what it was like before she was born into this world and she said she did. She said it was BEAUTIFUL!! I asked if she deliberately chose to live this life and she said: yes.

I asked, if it was so beautiful where you came from why choose to live a life like this with so many hassles and she said: "Being in a place that is always beautiful is no challenge". She said she wanted something different and that is why she chose to live this life. Then she deliberately turned away from me because I instinctively felt she came here to temporarily forget such knowledge and didn't like me reminding her of such things.

You atheists DESPERATELY DO NOT WANT THERE TO BE A GOD. You don't want irrefutable evidence for the existence of God and YOU KNOW IT!! You are desperately hoping the Intelligent Designer does nothing to openly show the world that he exists. You are like proverbial ostriches who stick their heads in holes in the ground certain that what they don't see cannot hurt them, fools that you are!!

Sunday, March 20, 2016


Lee (I am L)


3 More ▼
Thank you for your interest in chatting with a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
What would you like to talk about?
I have a quick question for you
3:23 PM
Now chatting with Caroline
I am not a Mormon, but I'm curious. Do you Mormons believe the Bible to be the Word of God?
3:23 PM
sure! hi, how are you?
3:23 PM
yes, we also believe book of mormon, have you heard book of mormon?
First let's discuss the Bible
3:24 PM
Okay, share with me Biblical verses stating SPECIFICALLY that it is the Word of God
Where, in the Bible, does it first say that it is the Word of God?
The concept of the Bible being the Word of God is a myth. Unless, of course, you can convince me otherwise

I'm willing to change my view

I believe there is an Intelligent Designer of the Universe though my near-death experiences, not through some preacher reading words from a book

Still, I just saw a video where a Christian was boldly saying that the Bible is the Word of God. Well, let's see that concept backed up with Biblical Scripture!!

The only possible way you can say these are MY words is to publicly verify exactly who I am and have me write similar words to prove I am the person who wrote these words
3:30 PM

You can't do that with God. You can't pin God down and directly verify that God wrote ANYTHING

To say the Bible is the Word of God is to say God wrote the Bible. That is a myth, not a fact. It is a THEORY not unlike the THEORY of evolution. You can't see a monkey-like creature turn into a human and you can't see God writing ANYTHING. At least not in this world. Or, at least, I haven't
3:31 PM

People who say the Bible is the Word of God are not unlike people who blindly say Darwinian evolution is a fact. Neither side can prove their assertion. However, they staunchly believe on the merits of BLIND FAITH
So, any comments?
3:39 PM

sorry for late reply!
3:46 PM

It's okay. I have tremendous respect for the Book of Mormon
3:46 PM
I consider it a literary classic written by the same spiritual author of the Bible, but...I could be wrong.
I feel the only thing that truly matters in all respective "Holy Books" is any teaching that inspires one to do and be good, wholesome and positively productive

ok, we would live to help you more. but we need to go now.if you want, we send the local missionary to help you learn more or we can keep contact with you.
3:48 PM

This whole matter of people being so hung up on books is the stuff of 'HOLY WARS'. It is not good for humanity to be so certain their respective books are the "Word of God" and all other such books are of the devil. That is the doctrine that has led to MILLIONS OF HORRIBLE DEATHS. It is a hellspawn doctrine, as far as I am concerned
3:49 PM

would you like to meet missionary, let the missionary to help you learn more?
3:49 PM

I would rather settle this here, if possible
3:50 PM

ok, would you mind we transfer you to other sisters?
3:50 PM

Yeah, okay

*I got tired of waiting and ended the chat

Friday, March 18, 2016


"Spend time meditating upon the realization of your most wonderful dreams. 
Consistent, clear envisioning is the 'map' towards your objectives in life. 
Passion is the core motivating force behind successful manifestations of mind."

"Thoughts are like the rudders that steer the 'ships' of your lives. 
Your relentlessly determined Intent draws you to your goals like a magnet 
and draws your manifested dream to you"

"If you seek the manifestation of a physical goal 
you must take physical actions to prove to the Universe 
that you REALLY want that objective manifested. 
You won't win an Olympic Gold Medal by sitting around wishing for it. 

"To consistently accomplish great things in life 
you MUST consistently think great thoughts"

"Trying to convince the skeptical of any great thing 
is usually a waste of your time and energies"

"If I personally gave you the choice between insulting the ignorant 
or being very successful. Which would you choose?"

"I take full responsibility for FORCING YOU 
to make a positive change with your activities on the Internet"

"The Universe is Sentient, Aware, Conscious and ALIVE!!!"

~ I AM Intelligent Designer = IAID 

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

((( BALI HI )))

EBali GdimHa'i may Edimcall      Eyou, any Gdimnight,     Edim any d     Eay,  
EIn your Gdimheart, you'll hear it Edimcall y     Eou:  
"CoEme awCay.  B7..Come awEay."

EBali GdimHa'i will Edimwhis - pEer in theGdim wind      Edim of the sEea:  
E"Here amGdim I, your sAm7pecialEdim is -      Eland!
ECome to Cme, cB7ome to Eme!"

YE7our oAwn sBb9pecial hopAes, your oGwn   Em7special drAeams,
BF#mloom on the hBmillside and sChine in the stB7reams.

EIf youGdim try, you'll Edimfind m     Ee where theGdim sky m     Edimeets the Esea.
E"Here amGdim I, your special Edimis - l     Eand!
ECome to Cme, cB7ome to Eme!"
EBali A9Ha'i, Bali B7Ha'i, Bali E6Ha'i!

Tuesday, March 15, 2016


C                  F                D
On a day like today, we passed the time away,
        G            G7     C   G
writing love letters in the sand. 
        C                          F              D
How you laughed when I cried, each time I saw the tide,
         G            G7       C   F C 
take our love letters from the sand.


           E         E7         Am
You made a vow, that you, would always be true,
        D         D7         G          G7
But somehow, that vow, meant nothing to you.

       C                        F               D
Now my broken heart aches, with every wave that breaks,
     G            G7     C    F C
over love letters in the sand.



Image result for e chord on ukulele

"In the years immediately prior to the British Invasion, only one performer rivaled the chart dominance of Elvis Presley, and that was Pat Boone. With his trademark white buck shoes, perfectly combed hair and gleaming smile, Boone was the very essence of wholesome American values, and at a time when the rise of rock & roll was viewed as a sign of the apocalypse, he made the music appear safe and non-threatening, earning some 38 Top 40 hits in the process. It's fitting that his achievements rank closest to those of Presley; after all, both claimed the sound of the black R&B culture for their own, in the process straddling both sides of the color line and popularizing a form of music which otherwise might never have gained widespread acceptance. Of course, while Elvis -- with his flashy suits, swiveling hips and suggestive leer -- remained persona non grata throughout many corners of mainstream America, Boone was embraced by teens and parents alike; his music polished rock's rough edges away, making songs like "Tutti Frutti" and "Ain't That a Shame" palatable to white audiences raised on the soothing pop traditions of a vanishing era.

Charles Eugene Patrick Boone was born June 1, 1934 in Jacksonville, Florida; a descendant of American frontier hero Daniel Boone; he attended high school in Nashville, and was voted student body president. After graduating, Boone married Shirley Foley, the daughter of country star Red Foley, and after a period at Nashville's David Lipscomb College, he transferred to North Texas State University. There, after taking top honors at a local talent show, he earned the right to appear on the The Ted Mack Amateur Hour, leading to a year-long tenure on The Arthur Godfrey Show. In 1954, Boone made his first recordings for the small Republic label, followed a year later by his Dot Records debut "Two Hearts, Two Kisses." As 1955 drew to a close, he notched his first number one hit, a sedate rendition of Fats Domino's aforementioned "Ain't That a Shame"; in the years to come he would record numerous cover versions of songs first credited to black performers, among them Little Richard, the El Dorados, the Flamingos and Ivory Joe Hunter -- indeed, to the chagrin of purists, for many listeners Boone's records remain better-known than the original performances.

Between 1956 and 1963, Boone made some 54 chart appearances, many of them with two-sided hits; his biggest smashes included the number one records "Don't Forbid Me," "Love Letters in the Sand" and "April Love," all three issued in 1957. That year he also began hosting his own ABC television series, The Pat Boone-Chevy Showroom; he also conquered film, starring in 15 features including 1957's Bernadine and April Love. Although his TV program ceased production in 1960, Boone remained a major star as the new decade dawned, and in 1961 again topped the charts with "Moody River." He even became an author, writing a series of self-help books for adolescents including -Twixt Twelve and Twenty, -Between You, Me and the Gatepost and -The Care and Feeding of Parents. Although the rise of Beatlemania put the brakes on Boone's run as a teen idol -- after 1962, he failed to again crack the Top 40 -- he continued recording for Dot through the late 1960s, and in his live performances regularly appeared with his wife and their four daughters, further reinforcing his family-friendly image.

By the 1970s, Boone had shifted almost exclusively to recording gospel material, although he later scored a handful of country hits (on, of all places, Motown); in 1977, his daughter Debby topped the charts with a smash of her own, the wedding perennial "You Light Up My Life." In 1981, Boone published -Pray to Win, and in 1983 he began hosting a long-lived contemporary Christian syndicated radio show, all in addition to his extensive charity work. While his recording career continued to taper off, he did issue "Let Me Live," which became an anthem for the anti-choice movement."

~ Jason Ankeny, All Music Guide


My New Koa Wood Concert Ukulele!!

Kaka KUC-70 Koa With Green Shell Inlay Concert Ukulele Gig Bag Spare Aquila Strings Tuner Polishing Cloth And Belt

My First Ukulele Song!!!

F, C, F, D, G7 

AM, F, D, C, G, C

Transposed 2 steps up:

A, E, A, F#, B7

C#M, A, F#, E, B, E

Another step up:

B, F#, B, G#, C#7

EbM, B, G#, F#, C#, F#

Saturday, March 12, 2016


(Tweedle-lee-dee-dee-dee, tweedle-lee-dee-dee x 3)
(Tweet x 4)

He rocks in the tree tops all day long
Hoppin' and a-boppin' and a-singing his song
All the little birds on Jaybird Street
Love to hear the robin go tweet tweet tweet

Rockin' robin (Tweet x 3)
Rockin' robin (Tweet, tweedle-lee-dee)
Go rockin' robin
'Cause we're really gonna rock tonight
(Tweet, tweedle-lee-dee)

Every little swallow, every chick-a-dee
Every little bird in the tall oak tree
The wise old owl, the big black crow
Flappin' their wings singing go bird go

Rockin' robin (Tweet x 3)
Rockin' robin (Tweet, tweedle-lee-dee)
Go rockin' robin
'Cause we're really gonna rock tonight
(Tweet, tweedle-lee-dee)

A pretty little raven at the bird bandstand
Taught him how to do the bop and ', it was grand
They started going steady and bless my soul
He out-bopped the buzzard and the oriole

He rocks in the tree top all day long
Hoppin' and a-boppin' and a-singing his song
All the little birds on Jaybird Street
Love to hear the robin go tweet tweet tweet

Rockin' robin (Tweet x 3)
Rockin' robin (Tweet, tweedle-lee-dee)
Go rockin' robin
'Cause we're really gonna rock tonight
(Tweet, tweedle-lee-dee)

Well, a pretty little raven at the bird bandstand
Taught him how to do the boppin', it was grand
He started going steady and bless my soul
He out-bopped the Buzzard and the Oriole

He rocks in the tree top all day long
Hoppin' and a-boppin' and a-singing his song
All the little birds on Jaybird Street
Love to hear the robin go tweet tweet tweet

Rockin' robin, (tweet, tweet, tweet)
Rockin' robin' (tweet, tweedle-lee-dee)
Go rockin' robin
'Cause we're really gonna rock tonight
(Tweet, tweedle-lee-dee)

Rockin' robin, (tweet, tweet, tweet)
Rockin' robin' (tweet, tweedle-lee-dee)
Go rockin' robin
'Cause we're really gonna rock tonight
(Tweet, tweedle-lee-dee)

(Tweedle-lee-dee-dee-dee, tweedle-lee-dee-dee x 3)
(Tweet x 2)
[Wolf whistle]

*New Karaoke Song

((( STUCK ON YOU )))

You can shake an apple off an apple tree
Shake-a, shake- sugar,
But you'll never shake me
No-sir-ee, uh, uh
I'm gonna stick like glue,
Stick because I'm
Stuck on you

Gonna run my fingers thru your long black hair
Squeeze you tighter than a grizzly bear
Yes-sir-ee, uh, uh
I'm gonna stick like glue
Stick, because I'm
Stuck on you

Hide in the kitchen, hide in the hall
Ain't gonna do you no good at all
'Cause once I catch ya and the kissin' starts
A team o' wild horses couldn't tear us apart

Try to take a tiger from his daddy's side
That's how love is gonna keep us tied
Yes-sir-ee, uh,uh
I'm gonna stick like glue
Stick, because I'm
Stuck on you

*New Karaoke Song

Tuesday, March 1, 2016


I was tired of my lady, we'd been together too long
Like a skipping recording of a never hit song
So while she lay sleep farting I read the paper in bed
And in the personal columns, there was this letter I read

If you like piña coladas and getting caught in the rain
If you're not into yoga, but you do snort cocaine
If you like making love at midnight, with a dead polar bear
Don't come over to my house, you just stay over there

I didn't think about my lady, I know that sounds kind of mean
But she's always in curlers and really smelly cold cream
So I wrote to the paper, took out a personal ad
And though I'm nobody's poet, I thought it wasn't half bad

If you like piña coladas and getting caught in the rain
If you're ARE into yoga, and you don't snort cocaine
If you like making love at midnight, in the warm summer air
When you're feeling romantic, and you let down your hair

So I waited with high hopes and she walked in the place
I knew her smile in an instant, I knew the curve of her face
It was my own lovely lady not wearing that crap
Then we laughed for a moment "I guess you've had the last laugh"

If you like piña coladas and getting caught in the rain
If you're ARE into yoga, and you don't snort cocaine
If you like making love at midnight, in the warm summer air
When you're feeling romantic, and you let down your hair

That you like piña coladas and gettin' caught in the rain
And the feel of the ocean and the taste of champagne
If you like making love at midnight in the dunes on the cape
You're the lady I've looked for, come with me and escape

*New Karaoke Song


I know you wanna leave me, 
but I refuse to let you go
If I have to beg and plead for your sympathy, 
I don't mind coz' you mean that much to me

Ain't too proud to beg, sweet darlin
Please don't leave me girl, don't you go
Ain't to proud to plead, baby, baby
Please don't leave me, girl, don't you go 

Now I heard a cryin' man, 
is half a man with no sense of pride
But if I have to cry to keep you, 
I don't mind weepin' if it'll keep you by my side

Ain't to proud to beg, sweet darlin
Please don't leave me girl, don't you go
Ain't to proud to plead, baby, baby
Please don't leave me girl, don't you go

If I have to sleep on your doorstep 
all night and day just to keep you from walkin' away 
let your friends laugh, even this I can stand 
cause I want to keep you any way I can

Ain't too proud to beg, sweet darlin' 
Please don't leave me girl, don't you go
Ain't to proud to plead, baby, baby
Please don't leave me girl, don't you go 

Now I've gotta love so deep in the pit of my heart 
And each day it grows more and more 
I'm not ashamed to come and plead to you baby
If pleadin' keeps you from walkin' out that door

Ain't too proud to beg, you know it sweet darlin' 
Please don't leave me girl, don't you go
Ain't to proud to plead, baby, baby
Please don't leave me girl, don't you go
Baby, baby, baby, baby (sweet darling)

*New Karaoke Song