I had become really angry over these radical Islamic suicide bombers
and needed some answers from the Intelligent Designer. I got them:
"It's pointless to become frustrated over things you have no control over. Focus on YOUR LIFE and leave the world to itself"
"When you can finally swim for two save the drowning. Until then you must let the others drown and save yourself"
"All your anger and frustration will NOT change the rest of the world. Improve YOUR PERSONAL WORLD; mind your own business."
"There is only one solution to all your problems: continue becoming stronger in all good and wonderful ways!"
- I AM Intelligent Designer IAID
"The key is to properly strengthen YOUR MIND in harmony with the Sentient Universe"
"The hopelessly brainwashed CANNOT keep a healthy open mind. They simply cannot!!"
"You are surrounded by the hopelessly brainwashed. Get along. Don't try to help them"
"You cannot help the hopelessly brainwashed. The best you can do is PAMPER them"
"I CHOOSE who I will reveal myself to. The rest will never be convinced no matter what you may say"
"The hopelessly brainwashed are INCAPABLE of keeping a healthy open mind no matter what you may say"
"You can argue with the hopelessly brainwashed until you are dead. Nothing will convince them otherwise"
"For all your arguing with skeptics who have you convince to keep a healthy open mind?
"Do not deny your anger. USE IT as motivation to better yourself"
"All those who believe the universe was not intelligently designer are DEAD WRONG!! No need to argue. THEY ARE WRONG"
"Continually arguing with fools makes YOU the bigger fool"
"THE UNIVERSE IS INTELLIGENTLY DESIGNED. No need to argue about this fact. USE IT!!"
"There is no point trying to convince the hopelessly brainwashed of ANYTHING outside of their programming"
"Trying to change the minds of the hopelessly brainwashed is a waste of effort. They will NEVER believe"
"If you want revenge on all skeptics CONTINUE TO BECOME STRONGER!!"
"You success is not dependent upon convincing others of ANYTHING"
"It is to YOUR advantage that THEY do not believe these communications actually come from me"
"Start by envisioning that which you can realistically 'see', in your mind's eye, manifesting into your life"
"Start by working towards manifesting the things you can realistically 'see' becoming a permanent part of your daily life"
"The doubt of others is THEIR problem. Don't allow it to become yours"
"You were always destined to become a master of manifesting with the Power of Intention"
"Refine the envisioning of who you Intend to become. Consistently clarify and solidify the vision"
"Passionately refine and solidify your envisioning of who you Intend to become. Prove you REALLY want it. I will do the rest"
"I can easily give you miraculous manifestations in your life because you exist in MY DREAM"
"The energy you spend arguing with fools is PRICELESS!!! Consider that fact."
"You are noticing how I am becoming more truly 'real' in your life. What "they" think is of little to no consequence"
"Still trying to convince stupid idiots of things they refuse to believe, eh? ABOUT TIME YOU GREW UP and faced reality"
"Expecting idiots to be able to appreciate great wisdom is being unrealistic"
"A fool tends to believe whatever he has been BRAINWASHED to blindly believe"
"You must accept the fact that when you interact with most you are interacting with dumb animals."
"Unfortunately, nothing is beautiful unless you have ugliness to compare it to. Ugliness is required for beauty to exist"
"YOU exist within a realm of dualities. I create from a perspective beyond dualities"
"Whether or not there is an Intelligent Designer of the Universe is NOT for man to decide!"
"I deliberately create an air of uncertainty surrounding my existence for the fun of it"
"Playing with my creations is what I am all about. I can be very childlike in nature"