When examining just how complex life is proving to be, especially in how cells unravel and use the complex information in DNA, it is logical and reasonable to conclude it must take a MIRACULOUS intelligence to accomplish such wonders.
YOU ATHEISTS BLIND FAITH BELIEVE it takes no miracles or intelligence WHATSOEVER to evolve the creatures on Earth. You are TOO STUPID to see that for natural selection to make such miraculous changes in living creatures WITHOUT HAVING ANY INTELLIGENCE WHATSOEVER is worse than saying that a mentally retarded idiot can design and create a fully functioning, reliable super computer.
It take tremendous intelligence to design and create a fully functioning super computer. Someone with no intelligence whatsoever cannot possibly hope to create such a computer. Yet, you BLIND FAITH believe natural selection performs outrageously complex changes in living beings while having no intelligence whatsoever.
Do you back your assumptions with repeatable, observable scientific experiments? NO, YOU DO NOT!!! You have no such experiments demonstrating how it does not take a super-intelligence to design functioning DNA. All you have is BLIND FAITH!!
I've read that scientists have recently created DNA artificially in the laboratory. You atheists seem to feel that is conclusive proof that it does not take an intelligent designer to create DNA. I suggest you think about this before you make even bigger fools of yourselves than you already are. THINK before you react.