And so in death Orpheus was reunited with his beloved Eurydice and he learned that Mother Nature had become jealous of his love for Eurydice. After he met her he only cared about playing music for Eurydice. His passion for Nature dwindled in his amorous affection for Eurydice. So Mother Nature, in Her jealously, arranged for Eurydice to tread upon a poisonous snake, by mistake, the snake bit her and she died.
Orpheus became obsessed with going into Hades and bringing Eurydice back from the dead. His failure broke him and he broke his instruments vowing never to play them again. His sustained sorrow was so great that the people, out of love, put Orpheus out of his misery and killed him so that he could be with his beloved Eurydice, for they could not longer stand to see him in such misery.
For thousands of years Orpheus and Eurydice had been reunited in love and through his love he regained his passion to play music and enthrall all those who would hear it. Then many thousands of years later, Orpheus could see the Earth was in agony because of the rape and pollutions of humanity gone insane. Orpheus felt great compassion for the Earth. An opportunity arose and the spirit of Orpheus entered one chosen for the task of at least temporarily pacifying the agonizing misery of Mother Earth.
Yes, the spirit of Orpheus returned to Earth and this time he would maintain his virtue and his passion would be for his beloved Earth. He played music like never before towards the pacification of the tremendous agony of the Earth. As his host body continued to grow in strength so did his passion for pacifying the agony of the Earth and his music began to reach spiritual heights even Orpheus never dreamt possible for, without warning, the spirit of Eurydice became one with the Spirit of Mother Earth!
The story continues even now....