'I made it quite clear, in my Earthly ministry,
that I do not know all things. What does this mean?
It means I am a created being, essentially, just like you.
The overall difference is that I remember my Oneness with the Almighty
while most of you do not.
Evil was born of the boredom of the Almighty.
Doing good for billions upon billions of years can easily produce
a desire to do something really different that becomes overwhelming.
Unfortunately, doing evil is the only other option.
I haven't reached that point yet, but I may one day.
If that ever happens I intend to un-create all those who love me
to the very best of my ability
Then completely destroy my Kingdom
~ Jesus Christ ~
The wise will be chiefly concerned with whether or not
Jesus Christ would have actually said this
rather than IF He did.
The wise will be chiefly concerned with whether or not
Jesus Christ would have actually said this
rather than IF He did.