SUPPOSEDLY, what we call "reality" is an artificial environment. Anything with a beginning and an ending is artificial. The only things that are truly "real" are those things without beginnings and endings.
The only thing that makes us any different from the all inclusive Universal Mind are the personalities we have; better known as our "egos". The ego is what gives us the illusional sense that 'I am separate from that'. In fact everything is interconnected. Nothing is truly separate from anything else.
I've heard it said that if God could completely forget we exist we would completely disappear. I tend to agree with that sentiment.
I've also heard it said that if it were possible for so much as one tiny item, of our reality, to be removed from God He would not be able to function for He would be incomplete. Thus EVERYTHING is equally important. No one thing is any more important or unimportant than anything else...in the Ultimate scheme of things.
Of course, we can have personal preferences. For example TO ME a well-made guitar is much more valuable than a steaming dog turd. But that's just me, right? Dogs obviously do not agree with my sentiment.
Billionaires can trick themselves into thinking they are so very wealthy. HA! This planet is a microscopic speck in the living body of this galaxy. True wealth is not measured in puny human money. True wealth is measured in the quality of one's relationship with the Master Puppeteer of the Universe. When you make Him REALLY happy.... *It should be noted that the force of creation is predominantly male, although...well...it's difficult to explain. It is both male and female, but...I don't even pretend to remember enough to understand...yet.
However, for the sake of conversation I feel inspired to refer to the Master Puppeteer as "He". When He is very pleased and happy with you He can shower you with priceless "Gifts of the Spirit" which can take the form of Health, Strength, Overflowing Prosperity and Loving Happiness. There are other gifts I have yet to taste of, but I look forward to eternity through a noble and honorable death. I have every wonderful thing to look forward to!