Monday, February 8, 2016


THERE IS A TIME AND A PLACE for all purposes for under Heaven. I can't say what exactly will work for others because my situation is unique. Yet, I know it is not always the time to be sweet. loving and nice to humanity. Sometimes you simply have to get mean in order to get things done right!!

However, reaching for byproducts is a waste of time and energies. There are many byproducts to being connected up to Love at its source. You can spend your life chasing after byproducts OR you can set your whole intent to connect up to Love at it's Source and love brings all the by product with it.

Love, from its Source, is like the sun in that is shines on everyone and everything. The sun doesn't particularize and say it will shine more for some than for others. However, if I am not open to healings from the sun I will be closed off to that miraculous aspect of my personal reality.


So, if I can envision and believe that I can permanently connect up my being to Love at its Source with a type of fire hose permanently attached from the Source to, and through, my spiritual being I can indeed manifest it!


Am I willing to give up whatever I must to have this grandest of prizes? That is the real question. If I am the prize is mine. If I would rather hang on to things that hinder the process I sabotage myself. So, I must really consider, moment-by-moment, whether or not holding onto my negativity is worth the loss of my full success in life.

Fact is: If I have the sun living inside me would I try to tell it who to shine on and who not to? NO!! Such it is with Love from its Source. Either I allow Love to Radiate outward in all directions equally or I disconnect myself. Love does what it will, not what I want it to do. Direct the Love where I need and want it and let Love do its thing!

Still, there is a time and place to shut off the hydrant, even if the hose remains attached. When dealing with humanity Love is NOT always the answer.

Love is eternal. I can temporarily shut off the valve of my being so that the love stays in me without radiating outward. When I want to empower any action with love all I have to do it turn on THE LOVE FOUNTAIN and direct the Love wherever it may be needed.