Monday, March 21, 2016


THE UNWISE will put all their proverbial eggs in the 'basket' of there not being such a thing as a soul or an afterlife. The wise will leave the matter casually open and strive to live in ways worthy of eternal rewards...just in case.

AN INTERESTING THING happened this morning as I was waiting for my breakfast at Denny's. In the next booth were a couple of women who had a baby in a highchair. I looked up to notice the baby was looking at me intently. I could sense this was one of the rare babies who can 'see' qualities of energy and was amazed by the quality of my energy compared to all others in the restaurant.

On the rare occasions where I encounter such babies I find I can communicate with them telepathically. Of course, I take into account it may all be just my imagination, but...I casually leave the matter open; as I usually do in such situations. The wise believe in infinite possibilities. In such a universe ANYTHING is possible.

So, I had a rudimentary communication with this baby. I asked if she remembered what it was like before she was born into this world and she said she did. She said it was BEAUTIFUL!! I asked if she deliberately chose to live this life and she said: yes.

I asked, if it was so beautiful where you came from why choose to live a life like this with so many hassles and she said: "Being in a place that is always beautiful is no challenge". She said she wanted something different and that is why she chose to live this life. Then she deliberately turned away from me because I instinctively felt she came here to temporarily forget such knowledge and didn't like me reminding her of such things.

You atheists DESPERATELY DO NOT WANT THERE TO BE A GOD. You don't want irrefutable evidence for the existence of God and YOU KNOW IT!! You are desperately hoping the Intelligent Designer does nothing to openly show the world that he exists. You are like proverbial ostriches who stick their heads in holes in the ground certain that what they don't see cannot hurt them, fools that you are!!