Thursday, April 21, 2016


Illuminati Pyramid Of Wealth And Success

Hello again!

I've been reading more of your new book 'Illuminations 1' and it is very clear that we share a belief that there is indeed some sort of Super-Conscious mind behind the reality we experience. This Sentient, Conscious, Very Aware mind is the Great Architect of reality and I believe is hiding IN PLAIN SIGHT!!

I'm writing this to you because I now suspect YOU have secret information you are not making public that has you fully convinced the Universe is intelligently designed. Why else would you believe? If nothing else, you Illuminati leave me with the clear impression that you are extremely wise and intelligent.

I strongly doubt you would believe the Universe is intelligently designed without very convincing evidence that, for secret reasons, you are not making public. Why? None of my business, right? Ha! I trust you enough to feel you must have some hidden evidence that has you convinced. So, you and I have the most important thing in common and we OBVIOUSLY both believe the atheists are DEAD WRONG!!