Monday, August 31, 2015


'Many wonder about the "rapture". It is a term I NEVER USED
in my Earthly ministry. Yet Christians tend to act as though I did.
Many are mistaken for they foolishly take all the stories in ancient books about me
at face value. This is NOT a wise thing to do!

I will say this:

The more a person suffers in life, because of me, or for doing good,
the more they earn a glorious place in my Kingdom;
or in other glorious Kingdoms of my sacred friends.

What the predominantly righteous believe tends to command their fates.

Different celestial Kingdoms are like different countries;
you don't get in without a special passport.

Those who suffer little because of me are not as happy when they die.
They all have one major thing in common...


The truly great heroes of humanity suffer much for doing good.
Those who do good and suffer ESPECIALLY because of me
are my most precious among all of humanity.

Oh, they can be very upset when they first meet me after death.
However, after I re-baptize them in LIVING WATER


For the short time they lived and suffered
they have the rest of eternity to be compensated
and compensated indeed are such great heroes!!'

~  Jesus Christ ~


The wise will be chiefly concerned with whether or not
Jesus Christ would have actually said this
rather than IF He did.