Tuesday, November 24, 2015



You atheist science types think within a very rigid little box. You are certain of the edges and area within your little science 'box'. However, outside of your rigid little science box is a vast possibly infinite universe of wonders that may very well stretch forever in all directions equally. You have no idea WHATSOEVER whether or not the space surrounding all galaxies extends forever in all directions equally. It is indeed a great mystery.

THERE IS TOO MUCH THAT IS UNKNOWN to man for him to pompously feel he has it all figured out. Every generation brings with it people who feel they have enough figured out to make a stand as YOU atheist scientists have done with your ridiculous THEORY (not fact) of evolution; and your MYTHOLOGICAL "common ancestor" of man.

All it will take is a crucial new discovery in the science of consciousness to shatter your little 'box', within which you feel so cozy and comfortable, and turn it on its proverbial head. You blindly feel YOUR particular interpretation of evidence is the only possible truth. You are like the Lilliputians from Gulliver's Travels all full of themselves and thinking they are so very big and mighty.

THE LILLIPUTIANS TURNED OUT TO BE IDIOTS just as you are destined to be exposed as being!!

As for myself, I KNOW I'm an idiot. However, YOU ATHEISTS think you are so very wise. Socrates would agree that is proof enough that you are ego-maniacal full of yourselves, pompous and conceited morons! Socrates came to the wise conclusion that the only thing he truly knew was that...he didn't know much of anything. You should consider this before you go on your atheistic 'Lilliputian' crusades against a possible intelligence orchestrating the entire Universe.

You view a marvelous landscape painted by the genius Leonardo Da Vinci and you marvel at it's complexity. Surely Leonardo was intelligent, right? What Leonardo produced WAS A JOKE compared to the complexity of the ACTUAL landscape Leonardo was painting. Yet you blindly come to the conclusion it is ridiculous to consider that natural landscape had a SUPER GENIUS designing it. No, you see no such evidence at all, blind fools that you are. Get the trees out of the way so that you can see the forest, right atheist idiots?