Tuesday, September 15, 2015


What you see here is an exercise in imagination and tenacity.

Compared to all the effort it took

to make these Crazy Talk Animator Pro videos

my Sims 4 videos were a joke because they were so easy by comparison.

Hours and hours of experimentation went into these two videos.

I had to redo them so many times...

I don't even want to think about it.

The core problem with the creation of these videos

is that the old Crazy Talk Animator Pro program is very limited. 

Dancing around those limitations

takes an OUTRAGEOUS amount of patience and determination.

Search YouTube yourself and see there is nothing quite like

what I have done with Crazy Talk Animator Pro

I'm not bragging. I just being honest

Note the overall improvements I made between the first

and the second version videos

First I use Crazy Talk Animator Pro.

Then the created video goes into Windows Live Movie Maker

where I add the title, credits and music.

Next it goes into Adobe Elements 11 *( E11 )

Where I work on the colors, brightness and contrast

*I put E11 in the title to let me know 

it is the final version of the video

BTW: I composed the soundtrack

That is me playing the Bansuri bamboo flute

I guess I have lost all faith in humanity fixing their global problems

I have tremendous faith that humanity will devise

new ways to make money off of their social problems,

but fix them? No way!!!!

I say, the sooner an advanced alien UFO race takes over planet Earth

the better for the rest of the universe.

It's scary to think of insane humans roaming the galaxy

looking for other worlds to exploit, rape, abuse and ruin