Tuesday, September 29, 2015

((( SINATRA AND THE BLOOD MOON 9.27.2015 )))


Today is September 27,  2015 and tonight will be the night of the Blood Moon that is supposed to coincide with Biblical prophecy. So far the doom of September 23,  2015 was a dud. I make this video in the hopes that tonight's Blood Moon will signify a great change for the better in my life. I'm looking forward to great things.

I say that blindly believing the universe must behave in accordance with a Jewish book is ridiculously conceited and stupid! Let's hope I'm right.

May all those who predict doom have that doom come upon THEM instead of the rest of us!


As a token of my gratitude for my great life ahead I have created my greatest CrazyTalk Animator masterpiece:


*MM stands for Move Maker (Windows Live Movie Maker) . Such labeling helps me to designate between the other versions. The original is the CTA (CrazyTalk Animator version) . Sometimes, after the MM version, I take the video into E11 (Adobe Elements 11) for some final touch ups. This time the MM version was sufficient.

I got about half-way through the project, doing all sorts of complicated manipulations, when suddenly something went wrong and I lost all my work. Hours and hours of work 'POOF' gone. It was a shock alright, but I got back on that friggin proverbial horse and realized most of the work was done experimenting. I knew what I had to do and luckily I had saved the background, props and characters. It took less than half the time to get back to the point I was at before I lost all my work.

This is without a doubt the happiest CrazyTalk Animator video I have ever made. It is a work of hope for the future of my life. You can really tell a lot about me by my animation video work. What was I like? The video says who I was and what I was like, at my best. A recurring theme in my works is a living planet. Yes, that is a theme that surfaces quite often in my work because that is what I experience when I perform for Mother Nature; a living planet. Since I did all the work and conceived the concept myself it's ALL ME. There are no string of credits citing all those who helped me. NO ONE helped me with this video. I devised techniques I have NEVER seen ANYONE who uses CrazyTalk Animator do. I'm in a class all my own.

If you don't believe me just scroll through this topic thread and see the competition. I'm tempted to feel bad for these people. I don't feel that smart, but compared to these people I'm a friggin super-genius! Just being honest. See for yourself. Let me warn you that you are spoiled on my creations. Prepare to see a new definition for the word “pathetic”. I'm so tempted to feel sorry for these people. Compared to me they have the imagination of a sea slug:


I dunno. When I reviewed what others are doing with CrazyTalk Animator...well...it really jolted me. The imagination of people can be so tiny. It's like they have permanent horse blinders on their heads. They can only see a tiny bit of the world and can't see past the blinders. You can tell a lot about these people by thy type of CT Animation videos they make. They are pretty much all the same and then...I come along and blow them all out of the bloody water. Of course they will not like me, but that is to be expected of the small-minded thinkers who clog the world like hair stuck in a sink drain. Oh well.... Who knows? You just may like all their videos better than mine. It's a possibility.