Wednesday, September 30, 2015


Many years ago I had, what may be termed, a 'waking dream' revelation while I was in a deep trance state. In it I heard the voice of God saying:

"Behold my marble collection"

Then I saw something like a translucent hand pass in front of my face and I was suddenly viewing what I took to be a representation of all the planets in the universe. As far as I can remember, it only happened to me ONCE in my entire life, but that memory continues to surface more and more strongly as the years go on. I'd say it's about time I shared it with the world.

There was another waking vision I saw many years later. I only remember seeing this once as well. It has taken many years to interpret what these two visions actually mean. I can share what I believe the visions mean, but that doesn't mean I am correct. I am always ready to be corrected as more truth is revealed.

In this second waking dream revelation God allowed me to see His face. To my surprise I saw the face of myself wearing a sort of crown and smiling. I remember nothing else from that waking vision, but I now take it to mean that each and every one of us is the true God of our own lives. We decide how our lives will generally proceed and always have.

Since each and every other human is the God of his or her own life it is not for us to decide how the lives of others will transpire. EVERYONE has the right to ruin their lives, period. I have jurisdiction over my life just as you have jurisdiction over you own. At best we can be given the tools to better ourselves. If we refuse to use those tools we have no one to blame, for our failures, besides ourselves.

The Universe is God's toy-box. We are all the toys of God and we are all made of the same stuff. The "stuff" of pure, perfect consciousness. What does this mean to us as a species? Well, I don't know what it means for YOU, but your lives are truly none of my business. It may seem cold, but I can't afford to drag you all along to true enlightenment. Use the tools available to all and MAKE YOUR OWN EFFORTS to better yourselves. If you refuse to do's truly none of my business.