I was watching this video and suddenly had a 'remembering' that our consciousness is of the 4th dimension. Our consciousness is NOT of the 3rd dimension. If it was science would already have found where it is in the brain. They can't find where consciousness is because it is of the 4th dimension.
Mainstream science will, off course, say this is preposterous, but they can't prove it is preposterous, with scientific experiments, to save their atheist lives! They just believe it is preposterous on BLIND FAITH. It is quite an accomplishment that the dumb atheists suckers are so psychologically PROGRAMMED and intimidated by scientific fancy credentials that they just blindly believe mainstream science NO MATTER WHAT IT MAY SAY!!
IF YOU CAN'T PROVE A NEGATIVE THEN DON'T MAKE THE CLAIM, IDIOTS!!! Expecting everyone to believe your skepticism as fact based on BLIND FAITH instead of repeatable, observable scientific experiments is the way of the fool. If you are to say that consciousness is not of the 4th dimension BE READY TO PROVE THE CLAIM or just shut up about the matter.
FACT: THERE IS NOTHING THREE-DIMENSIONAL ABOUT CONSCIOUSNESS. So the logical conclusion is that consciousness is NOT of the 3rd dimension!
AGAIN: IF YOU ARE GOING TO SAY THIS IS PREPOSTEROUS BE READY TO PROVE IT with repeatable, observable scientific experiments or JUST SHUT UP, FOOLS!!
My proof is there is nothing three-dimensional about consciousness. THAT IS MY PROOF!!! You disagree? PROVE IT. Show me there is something three-dimensional about consciousness using repeatable, observable scientific experiments! YOU CAN'T AND YOU KNOW IT!! YOU LOSE!!!
If a person in a coma doesn't regain CONSCIOUSNESS he will eventually die unless somehow kept alive with machines. Until he eventually dies he does indeed have brain activity BUT NO CONSCIOUSNESS!!! Think about it, atheists. The scientific evidence indicates that consciousness does NOT have three-dimensions. How can the awareness of humans exist? Since consciousness does NOT have three-dimensions it must exist outside of three-dimensional reality with the human brain as a link into this dimensional realm. Consciousness and the soul are the very same thing. You cannot define the soul without defining consciousness. That is my proof.
You idiot atheists once BLIND FAITH believed that atoms were made of solid substance. Thanks to new discoveries in Quantum Physics, you are not so certain anymore, right? Well, until you know FOR A FACT just what consciousness is I suggest you not be too certain about ANYTHING your senses perceive.