"Our birth is but a sleep and a forgetting"
~ William Wordsworth ~
When Dr Wayne Dyer recently died he was co-authoring a book called:
Memories of Heaven: Children's Astounding Recollections of the Time Before They Came to Earth
The above quote was shared, by Dr Dyer, from the Introduction to the book and it got me thinking. For about nine-months we are all in a continual state of Buddha trance bliss. I am now inclined to consider that we were in our true wakeful state during those nine-months. When we are born into this life that is when we actually go to sleep. Each night, when we go to sleep, we reenter the realm of true existence where anything and everything is possible. Then we "awake" again into a harsh world of rigid rules and regulations governing the "reality" we experience.
"My God! It's full of stars!!!"
~ 2001 A Space Odyssey ~
Being forced to do things we do not want to do is the general theme of this Earthly existence. We have to fight for our happiness and hold onto that happiness in all that we do. There are all sorts of traps in this 'maze' of Earthly existence whose function is to imprison us on a level of advancement from which we cannot escape.
How do you know if you are trapped? Well, there are some clear signs:
If you refuse to take responsibility for the life you have attracted and manifested and are determined to always blame others for your manifested misery

The key to true freedom is to learn how to avoid the 'traps' that keep us from reaching our full potential. Not taking responsibility for one's actions is one of the signs of being caught in a trap. The wise take responsibility for the thoughts and actions they have entertained that have resulted in the lives they are living. They forgive EVERYONE as a strategy because to not forgive is to guarantee one stays caught in the trap of not taking responsibility for the life one has manifested.
The wise take responsibility for the lives they have manifested and then take responsibility for the solutions they will manifest. They forgive as a strategy to set them free from from the past. If they seek revenge against anyone they realize there is no greater revenge than living an increasingly strong, healthy, happy, well-lived life.
We are interconnected in some mysterious way. To cause pain to others causes us pain as well. Only the mentally ill derive pleasure from causing pain to others. I hope God is listening.
There is only Me
Now you know why I get so pissed off!!!"
~ God ~