Tuesday, October 13, 2015


Been streaming the X-Files show from Netflix. I've been watching show after show, from the beginning and learned that Gillian Anderson (Dana Scully) was pregnant during the first season of the show. They did an expert job covering it up through the beginning of the second season where they had Scully abducted by aliens so that she could go on maternity leave. A very short maternity leave. 10 days, I believe. What a trooper to give such great performances during her pregnancy. I've got to hand it to her. Probably puking between lines and eating all kinds of X-Files weird stuff, right?

I tried different songs as the background music and suddenly remembered the old Disco hit A 5th of Beethoven. Amazing for me to consider that NO OTHER CLASSICAL ARTISTS have been as popular as Beethoven in having a modern hit. There is no 5th of Mozart or Bach or ANYONE ELSE of such classical stature. So, A 5th of Beethoven was chosen as a song for this video spoofing the X-Files.

All those who have studied into the UFO abduction phenomenon will most certainly be familiar with the fact that the Grey Aliens are famous for performing anal probes on hapless victims. I mean...it's their 'thing', man! Ha!

Silly stuff and I hope you enjoy it because it was fun to make


Agent Mulder and Scully secretly get aboard a Grey Alien spaceship and end up being mind-controlled by one of the Grey Aliens with the big syringe in one of his hands. Jesus eventually saves the day...or does He?

I consider these CrazyTalk Animator Pro videos to be truly autobiographical. If anyone wants to know what I was really like watch the video and read the description. Underneath it all...I'm a hard working, really silly guy! Man, creating this video was NOT easy. If you don't believe me search YouTube and see for yourselves what others are creating with CrazyTalk Animator Pro. Really! Go and see for yourselves!! There ain't NOBODY quite like me.