Friday, October 2, 2015


El Topo really affected me, in my youth. I once called Mexico to try to find out if there were any videos of El Topo available. it was difficult for me to make myself understood. My Spanish needs practice. Anyway, that makes YOU very special to me, Mr Jodorowsky. When you suffer trying to accomplish something only to fail the 'gift' can bring with it much strength of character. Or it can destroy you. Chances are, if it didn't destroy you it forced you to become stronger.

I just finished watching Jodorowsky's Dune. Hollywood is not interested in consciousness expanding films. They want emotional masturbation of the masses to keep them weak and pacified. They MOST CERTAINLY do NOT want movies that expand consciousness and awareness of human potential. NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!


I CHALLENGE YOU TO LOOK THROUGH TODAY'S BIG MOVIES CURRENTLY RELEASED TO THE AMERICAN PUBLIC. I challenge you to find AT LEAST ONE MAINSTREAM, AMERICAN MOVIE HIT that is very popular and that causes people's consciousness and awareness to expand. I challenge you to find AT LEAST ONE MOVIE that causes people to think of themselves as greater than they once thought they were. I MAY BE WRONG, but if there was one such movie currently released, among all this 'fresh America Garbage', it would have been heavily advertised.

It is said that the mainstream media is owned by the Jewish Rothschilds family and their super-rich gang of the proverbial 'walking dead'. We could make a movie about them. Instead of calling it "DUNE" we could call it: "DOOMED". Yes, it will be based on a true story!