Thursday, October 29, 2015


In old classic science everything is as it appears to be in that we live in a world of dependably solid objects; our bodies being the most directly empirical example of this. Then, as microscopes became more powerful, science began to realize that everything is not what it appears to be...from a distance. Apparently, the protons and electrons of atoms are NOT SOLID. They are made of some incredible unfathomable energy and atoms are mostly composed of empty 'vacuum' space.

If that were not amazing enough, the vacuum space in atoms was found to be composed of some unspeakable energy that scientists are trying to tap into. They call it "Zero Point Energy"

"Beyond the energy solutions of solar and wind power, beyond tides and nature's other un-ownable abundant energetic resources lies what physicist term zero point energy. Zero point energy or the Zero Point Field is, in fact, what powers the sun, our tides, the wind, our biological systems and the very atoms of all physical matter. Zero point energy is the source level, life force energy, chi or prana which animates our Universe."


Apparently, the fact that consciousness can affect the outcome of experiments at the quantum level of reality has been hidden from the general public. Keeping people as stupid as possible is, obviously, the best way to control them. A society of idiots is much easier to manage than a society convinced that the strength of their focused minds can directly affect how their lives unfold.

Those secretly in charge of the world obviously want a population of people chasing after happiness OUTSIDE OF THEMSELVES. They want a population absolutely certain that being financially rich and having lots of 'stuff' is the secret to true happiness. Tale after tale of those who reach that pinnacle and are miserable are suppressed. No, they don't want YOU to know that true happiness comes from within and must be EARNED through a well disciplined mind and life; not by buying a product. There are no "enlightenment" pills and I don't foresee any created in the near distant future. Enlightenment MUST be earned, period!

I believe it is this mysterious 'Zero Point Energy' that accounts for everything that exists in the Universe. It is said that all electrons and protons that make up atoms are 'popping' in and out of this existence all the time. Where do they go when they 'pop' out of this reality? It is a great mystery.

Some believe it may be possible to tap into this Zero Point Energy field with consciousness. I know this much: If I ever succeed in tapping into the Zero Point Energy field, through advanced meditation, and can suddenly manipulate my personal reality I WILL KEEP IT SECRET!!! I will not be openly advertising this to the world. I must assume if there are others who have tapped into the Zero Point Energy field with their Consciousness they will also keep their discoveries secret.

Chance are, all such people can heal even as Jesus did and we all know what happened to Jesus, right? Openly manifesting miraculous power will only lead to eventual persecution and death. Everyone has the right to manipulate their own lives any wonderful way they may choose. However, to take it upon yourself to manipulate the lives of others is asking for persecution and death; no matter how good your intentions may be.

I have simple overall goals that I am working toward. I intend to increase my ability to attract the healing energy of the Universe through my body and into the Living Earth. I foresee amplifying my ability to heal myself, and the Earth, and attract increasing Strength, Health, Overflowing Prosperity and Loving Happiness for myself and my beloved planet. I intend to secretly help others FROM A DISTANCE and only in ways that can NEVER be connected to me.




I am more strongly convinced than ever that buried in our subconscious are all the answers to all the questions we could ever conceive of. I suddenly REMEMBERED that we are all plugged into the ELECTRICAL Zero Point Field. It is Zero Point Energy that empowers our hearts to beat and our lungs to breathe. The vital forces of the Universe, known to many as Chi, is ZERO POINT ENERGY! There is no escaping Zero Point Energy if you are alive for it is the very life force itself!

So, the real question is: Are you attracting just enough Zero Point Energy to survive or are you attracting enough to live comfortably? The more Zero Point Energy you deliberately attract and manifest the easier it becomes to manipulate your personal reality to your overall advantage. The less Zero Point Energy you can attract and focus the more difficult life becomes. It's as simple as that. How much do you really want to improve the quality of your life? That is the real question. If you are not willing to do what it takes to better your life you will attract and manifest less Zero Point Energy and you will exist rather than truly live!